Kyriakidis A., Kyriakides M., Panagiotou R., Castrillo D., Castrillo M.C, Illampas R., Michael A., Ioannou I. Numerical Analysis of the Thermal Performance of a Contemporary CEB Tiny House. International Conference on Earthen Construction, Paris, France, March 18-19, 2022.
Kyriakidis A., Michael, A., Illampas, R., Charmpis, D.C., Ioannou, I. Thermal Performance and Environmental Impact of an Innovative Exterior Masonry Wall System. 11th International Conference on Sustainable Energy & Environmental Protection, SEEP2018, UWS, Paisley, UK, May 08-11, 2018.
Kyriakidis, A., Michael, A., Illampas, R. , Charmpis, D.C., Ioannou I., Comparative Study on the Thermal Performance and Environmental Footrint of Traditional and Contemporary Masonry Systems Used in Southern Europe. 10th International Conference on Sustainable Energy & Environmental Protection, SEEP2017, Bled, Slovenia, June 27-30, 2017, pp. 57-68.
Kyriakidis, A., Michael, A., Illampas, R. Parametric Numerical Assessment of the Energy Efficiency and the Environmental Impact of an Innovative Masonry Construction Component. 5th International Conference on Renewable Energy Sources and Energy Efficiency – New Challenges, Nicosia, Cyprus, May 5-6, 2016, pp. 23-33. (Also published in Journal of Sustainable Architecture and Civil Engineering, 16(3), 2016, pp. 6-19, SACE, DOI: 10.5755/j01.sace.16.3.16174)
Illampas, R., Kyriakidis, A., Michael, A., Computational Evaluation of the Thermal, Environmental and Structural Perfrmance of an Innovative Masonry System. International Conference on Sustainable Synergies from Buildings to the Urban Scale, SBE16, Thessaloniki, Greece, October 17-19, 2016, pp. 1-8. (Also published in Procedia Environmental Sciences, 38, 2017, pp. 812-820, Elsevier, DOI: 10.1016/j.proenv.2017.03.166)