
Eirini Kyritsi

Architect Engineer, Dipl.-Ing. (M.Eng.), M.Sc.

Eirini Kyritsi, Architect Engineer, MSc, is currently a Ph.D. student. Eirini Kyritsi is a researcher at the “Energy and Environmental Design of Buildings Research Lab” and seasonal Special Teaching Personnel at the Department of Architecture at the University of Cyprus. She holds a Diploma in Architectural Engineering from the University of Patras (Greece), a Master of Science in “Energy Technologies and Sustainable Design” offered by the School of Engineering of the University of Cyprus, and is currently a Ph.D. student at the Department of Architecture of the University of Cyprus. Her research interests include environmental design and energy performance of buildings, passive design strategies, thermal comfort, and indoor air quality. During her studies, she was awarded a three-year full scholarship. Since 2021, she participates in research programmes funded by the European Commission and the Research Promotion Foundation of Cyprus. Her research work has been published in peer-reviewed Journals and International Conferences proceedings.

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